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Statistics on the world’s largest Java GitHub monorepos

All TypeScript JavaScript Java C++

The following list of repositories was selected because of one of the following:

  1. They are in the top 38 Java repositories over 200 MB and 2000 stars, sorted by stars.*
  2. They are defined in extraRepos in the config.json.

The highest number in each column is highlighted

Repo Java LOC Repo Size Monthly commit count 🤓 Monthly committer count ★ Stars count 👁 Watchers count
openjdk/jdk 5,207,390 1.03 GB 354 🤓 122 ★ 11536 👁 11536
aosp-mirror/platform_frameworks_base 3,329,823 2.97 GB 248 🤓 115 ★ 9795 👁 9795
elastic/elasticsearch 2,273,504 943 MB 484 🤓 80 ★ 57244 👁 57244
apache/hadoop 1,817,236 540 MB 63 🤓 28 ★ 12093 👁 12093
apache/flink 1,401,228 427 MB 190 🤓 66 ★ 17571 👁 17571
oracle/graal 1,142,091 238 MB 501 🤓 61 ★ 16165 👁 16165
bazelbuild/bazel 844,669 838 MB 197 🤓 56 ★ 17643 👁 17643
apache/druid 797,490 242 MB 74 🤓 32 ★ 11347 👁 11347
DrKLO/Telegram 706,913 322 MB 4 🤓 1 ★ 18556 👁 18556
neo4j/neo4j 686,936 547 MB 18 🤓 11 ★ 9497 👁 9497
spring-projects/spring-framework 666,162 175 MB 78 🤓 20 ★ 45069 👁 45069
stanfordnlp/CoreNLP 603,652 350 MB 26 🤓 4 ★ 8219 👁 8219
eclipse/deeplearning4j 543,135 736 MB 106 🤓 3 ★ 12251 👁 12251
dbeaver/dbeaver 430,741 274 MB 212 🤓 9 ★ 23257 👁 23257
apache/pulsar 430,142 1.37 GB 258 🤓 61 ★ 9930 👁 9930
OpenAPITools/openapi-generator 423,340 601 MB 94 🤓 44 ★ 10369 👁 10369
google/guava 360,246 365 MB 8 🤓 6 ★ 42901 👁 42901
pinpoint-apm/pinpoint 346,492 240 MB 51 🤓 11 ★ 11815 👁 11815
apereo/cas 316,417 306 MB 215 🤓 12 ★ 9081 👁 9081
libgdx/libgdx 276,167 1.12 GB 3 🤓 5 ★ 19278 👁 19278
signalapp/Signal-Android 252,977 502 MB 232 🤓 8 ★ 21491 👁 21491
apache/shardingsphere 198,946 446 MB 290 🤓 34 ★ 14864 👁 14864
SeleniumHQ/selenium 115,488 1.98 GB 93 🤓 23 ★ 22114 👁 22114
Anuken/Mindustry 87,070 1.81 GB 123 🤓 31 ★ 12956 👁 12956
OpenRefine/OpenRefine 76,490 395 MB 51 🤓 14 ★ 8490 👁 8490
zxing/zxing 45,197 247 MB 3 🤓 2 ★ 28658 👁 28658
williamfiset/Algorithms 30,659 1.06 GB 6 🤓 2 ★ 11359 👁 11359
CarGuo/GSYVideoPlayer 29,849 366 MB 3 🤓 1 ★ 16872 👁 16872
LuckSiege/PictureSelector 29,512 319 MB 38 🤓 2 ★ 11011 👁 11011
arduino/Arduino 27,110 1.42 GB 0 🤓 0 ★ 12212 👁 12212
Konloch/bytecode-viewer 24,131 663 MB 8 🤓 3 ★ 12545 👁 12545
scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout 20,085 280 MB 1 🤓 1 ★ 23129 👁 23129
iBotPeaches/Apktool 11,792 206 MB 1 🤓 1 ★ 12850 👁 12850
gyf-dev/ImmersionBar 8,120 306 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 9975 👁 9975
geekxh/hello-algorithm 1,845 374 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 29176 👁 29176
lottie-react-native/lottie-react-native 523 300 MB 10 🤓 3 ★ 14642 👁 14642
MisterBooo/LeetCodeAnimation 265 522 MB 0 🤓 0 67768 👁 67768
eugenp/tutorials 0 334 MB 32 🤓 48 ★ 28214 👁 28214
elastic/search-ui 0 6.12 MB 4 🤓 2 ★ 1500 👁 1500


I am leveraging Cloc for the LOC, however, for the total, I am only counting the languages defined in config.json, so as to eliminate counting things like lines of JSON (of which, for example, the Kibana repo has a couple million!).

If you notice any errors with the above numbers, please file an issue and let me know! In particular the Cloc tool supports eliminating certain folders and files for LOC counts. With node, node_modules is excluded, however, for other languages I may be missing certain key configurations.