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Statistics on the world’s largest JavaScript GitHub monorepos

All TypeScript JavaScript Java C++

The following list of repositories was selected because of one of the following:

  1. They are in the top 38 JavaScript repositories over 200 MB and 2000 stars, sorted by stars.*
  2. They are defined in extraRepos in the config.json.

The highest number in each column is highlighted

Repo JavaScript LOC Repo Size Monthly commit count 🤓 Monthly committer count ★ Stars count 👁 Watchers count
codesandbox/codesandbox-client 1,672,637 497 MB 40 🤓 11 ★ 11049 👁 11049
plotly/plotly.js 1,362,910 1.16 GB 50 🤓 3 ★ 14158 👁 14158
arangodb/arangodb 1,122,689 1.73 GB 92 🤓 21 ★ 11792 👁 11792
nodejs/node 1,050,380 786 MB 109 🤓 43 ★ 83122 👁 83122
odoo/odoo 618,785 4.04 GB 226 🤓 99 ★ 23348 👁 23348
photonstorm/phaser 517,027 347 MB 123 🤓 4 ★ 30758 👁 30758
mui-org/material-ui 512,511 269 MB 234 🤓 58 ★ 73062 👁 73062
ampproject/amphtml 480,181 945 MB 215 🤓 38 ★ 14761 👁 14761
mrdoob/three.js 393,156 1.06 GB 90 🤓 25 ★ 75991 👁 75991
Automattic/wp-calypso 306,661 546 MB 540 🤓 88 ★ 11925 👁 11925
gatsbyjs/gatsby 267,124 968 MB 193 🤓 49 ★ 51755 👁 51755
jgraph/drawio 255,044 699 MB 19 🤓 4 ★ 26453 👁 26453
facebook/react-native 247,054 763 MB 145 🤓 53 ★ 99369 👁 99369
vercel/next.js 239,097 1.77 GB 424 🤓 92 ★ 76806 👁 76806
ccxt/ccxt 221,359 1.22 GB 1182 🤓 20 ★ 22044 👁 22044
RocketChat/Rocket.Chat 178,081 265 MB 76 🤓 25 ★ 31117 👁 31117
aframevr/aframe 174,693 672 MB 4 🤓 4 ★ 13293 👁 13293
cypress-io/cypress 169,694 481 MB 79 🤓 21 ★ 34667 👁 34667
strapi/strapi 168,989 339 MB 1 🤓 2 ★ 40950 👁 40950
atom/atom 144,403 335 MB 8 🤓 4 ★ 56323 👁 56323
airbnb/lottie-web 126,668 315 MB 27 🤓 1 ★ 25758 👁 25758
zhaoolee/ChromeAppHeroes 111,630 802 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 18986 👁 18986
HabitRPG/habitica 109,668 1.59 GB 103 🤓 11 ★ 8640 👁 8640
jitsi/jitsi-meet 92,908 212 MB 117 🤓 35 ★ 17096 👁 17096
thx/RAP 91,902 367 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 10571 👁 10571
visgl/ 79,690 346 MB 23 🤓 10 ★ 9214 👁 9214
NervJS/taro 55,625 1.02 GB 43 🤓 19 ★ 30042 👁 30042
transloadit/uppy 39,209 357 MB 39 🤓 14 ★ 24766 👁 24766
YMFE/yapi 34,434 260 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 23003 👁 23003
freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp 31,490 262 MB 191 🤓 35 335089 👁 335089
eip-work/kuboard-press 24,024 205 MB 7 🤓 1 ★ 12208 👁 12208
swagger-api/swagger-ui 21,066 400 MB 59 🤓 8 ★ 21108 👁 21108
oliver-moran/jimp 9,902 464 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 11579 👁 11579
zhaoolee/ChineseBQB 8,657 2.43 GB 1 🤓 1 ★ 9360 👁 9360
scutan90/DeepLearning-500-questions 3,835 212 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 46492 👁 46492
lllyasviel/style2paints 3,682 341 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 14313 👁 14313
iptv-org/iptv 1,299 213 MB 717 🤓 17 ★ 42426 👁 42426


I am leveraging Cloc for the LOC, however, for the total, I am only counting the languages defined in config.json, so as to eliminate counting things like lines of JSON (of which, for example, the Kibana repo has a couple million!).

If you notice any errors with the above numbers, please file an issue and let me know! In particular the Cloc tool supports eliminating certain folders and files for LOC counts. With node, node_modules is excluded, however, for other languages I may be missing certain key configurations.