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Statistics on the world’s largest TypeScript GitHub monorepos

All TypeScript JavaScript Java C++

The following list of repositories was selected because of one of the following:

  1. They are in the top 38 TypeScript repositories over 200 MB and 2000 stars, sorted by stars.*
  2. They are defined in extraRepos in the config.json.

The highest number in each column is highlighted

Repo TypeScript LOC Repo Size Monthly commit count 🤓 Monthly committer count ★ Stars count 👁 Watchers count
elastic/kibana 2,722,837 3.61 GB 962 🤓 186 ★ 16732 👁 16732
DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped 2,526,352 785 MB 446 🤓 317 ★ 36709 👁 36709
BabylonJS/Babylon.js 911,928 4.29 GB 506 🤓 27 ★ 15268 👁 15268
microsoft/vscode 763,871 435 MB 1135 🤓 68 124308 👁 124308
microsoft/TypeScript 619,221 1.62 GB 83 🤓 19 ★ 76003 👁 76003
microsoft/fast 473,178 235 MB 44 🤓 12 ★ 6462 👁 6462
angular/angular 462,299 327 MB 170 🤓 48 ★ 77683 👁 77683
microsoft/fluentui 435,912 308 MB 197 🤓 44 ★ 12450 👁 12450
grafana/grafana 360,874 462 MB 494 🤓 105 ★ 44960 👁 44960
backstage/backstage 229,009 1.03 GB 779 🤓 89 ★ 13884 👁 13884
appsmithorg/appsmith 184,043 211 MB 173 🤓 52 ★ 8382 👁 8382
eclipse-theia/theia 161,775 1.52 GB 41 🤓 16 ★ 15803 👁 15803
typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint 156,418 26.5 MB 58 🤓 18 ★ 10662 👁 10662
thi-ng/umbrella 135,819 127 MB 100 🤓 3 ★ 2129 👁 2129
highcharts/highcharts 134,157 263 MB 179 🤓 13 ★ 10346 👁 10346
ag-grid/ag-grid 117,558 1.19 GB 419 🤓 10 ★ 7756 👁 7756
storybookjs/storybook 115,789 464 MB 584 🤓 32 ★ 66334 👁 66334
antvis/G2 98,741 417 MB 13 🤓 3 ★ 10978 👁 10978
antvis/G6 92,891 766 MB 2 🤓 1 ★ 8404 👁 8404
laurent22/joplin 89,346 244 MB 189 🤓 24 ★ 26387 👁 26387
apache/echarts 83,356 218 MB 34 🤓 8 ★ 48731 👁 48731
botpress/botpress 80,850 361 MB 68 🤓 20 ★ 9445 👁 9445
microsoft/rushstack 73,945 86.3 MB 140 🤓 13 ★ 3318 👁 3318
facebook/jest 72,600 269 MB 18 🤓 14 ★ 37096 👁 37096
tensorflow/tfjs-core 72,228 389 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 8516 👁 8516
lensapp/lens 62,156 606 MB 176 🤓 13 ★ 16241 👁 16241
nestjs/nest 60,252 236 MB 227 🤓 13 ★ 42222 👁 42222
directus/directus 52,507 340 MB 336 🤓 28 ★ 12807 👁 12807
plouc/nivo 51,888 349 MB 3 🤓 3 ★ 9440 👁 9440
babel/babel 51,349 78.2 MB 61 🤓 12 ★ 39959 👁 39959
facebook/docusaurus 44,742 208 MB 101 🤓 48 ★ 28229 👁 28229
tinacms/tinacms 44,417 1.02 GB 277 🤓 8 ★ 6725 👁 6725
formatjs/formatjs 39,738 46.8 MB 13 🤓 6 ★ 12815 👁 12815
ant-design/ant-design 37,109 729 MB 60 🤓 27 ★ 75711 👁 75711
remotion-dev/remotion 35,889 366 MB 98 🤓 4 ★ 8615 👁 8615
open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js 35,663 18 MB 37 🤓 18 ★ 1035 👁 1035
open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js-contrib 31,369 23.8 MB 18 🤓 12 ★ 172 👁 172
airbytehq/airbyte 27,613 83.1 MB 345 🤓 75 ★ 4536 👁 4536
akveo/react-native-ui-kitten 26,147 478 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 8753 👁 8753
gravitational/webapps 25,120 17.2 MB 18 🤓 3 ★ 19 👁 19
react-page/react-page 20,293 232 MB 7 🤓 1 ★ 8685 👁 8685
MichalLytek/type-graphql 19,722 264 MB 2 🤓 1 ★ 6806 👁 6806
react-dnd/react-dnd 16,101 653 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 16722 👁 16722
the1812/Bilibili-Evolved 16,082 289 MB 13 🤓 2 ★ 9530 👁 9530
supabase/supabase 10,797 264 MB 64 🤓 27 ★ 21857 👁 21857
justadudewhohacks/face-api.js 10,304 221 MB 0 🤓 0 ★ 13138 👁 13138
Jigsaw-Code/outline-client 3,348 396 MB 24 🤓 1 ★ 6506 👁 6506


I am leveraging Cloc for the LOC, however, for the total, I am only counting the languages defined in config.json, so as to eliminate counting things like lines of JSON (of which, for example, the Kibana repo has a couple million!).

If you notice any errors with the above numbers, please file an issue and let me know! In particular the Cloc tool supports eliminating certain folders and files for LOC counts. With node, node_modules is excluded, however, for other languages I may be missing certain key configurations.