Statistics on the world’s largest TypeScript GitHub monorepos
All | TypeScript | JavaScript | Java | C++ |
The following list of repositories was selected because of one of the following:
- They are in the top 38 TypeScript repositories over 200 MB and 2000 stars, sorted by stars.*
- They are defined in
in the config.json.
The highest number in each column is highlighted
Repo | TypeScript LOC | Repo Size | Monthly commit count | 🤓 Monthly committer count | ★ Stars count | 👁 Watchers count |
elastic/kibana | 2,722,837 | 3.61 GB | 962 | 🤓 186 | ★ 16732 | 👁 16732 |
DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped | 2,526,352 | 785 MB | 446 | 🤓 317 | ★ 36709 | 👁 36709 |
BabylonJS/Babylon.js | 911,928 | 4.29 GB | 506 | 🤓 27 | ★ 15268 | 👁 15268 |
microsoft/vscode | 763,871 | 435 MB | 1135 | 🤓 68 | ★ 124308 | 👁 124308 |
microsoft/TypeScript | 619,221 | 1.62 GB | 83 | 🤓 19 | ★ 76003 | 👁 76003 |
microsoft/fast | 473,178 | 235 MB | 44 | 🤓 12 | ★ 6462 | 👁 6462 |
angular/angular | 462,299 | 327 MB | 170 | 🤓 48 | ★ 77683 | 👁 77683 |
microsoft/fluentui | 435,912 | 308 MB | 197 | 🤓 44 | ★ 12450 | 👁 12450 |
grafana/grafana | 360,874 | 462 MB | 494 | 🤓 105 | ★ 44960 | 👁 44960 |
backstage/backstage | 229,009 | 1.03 GB | 779 | 🤓 89 | ★ 13884 | 👁 13884 |
appsmithorg/appsmith | 184,043 | 211 MB | 173 | 🤓 52 | ★ 8382 | 👁 8382 |
eclipse-theia/theia | 161,775 | 1.52 GB | 41 | 🤓 16 | ★ 15803 | 👁 15803 |
typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint | 156,418 | 26.5 MB | 58 | 🤓 18 | ★ 10662 | 👁 10662 |
thi-ng/umbrella | 135,819 | 127 MB | 100 | 🤓 3 | ★ 2129 | 👁 2129 |
highcharts/highcharts | 134,157 | 263 MB | 179 | 🤓 13 | ★ 10346 | 👁 10346 |
ag-grid/ag-grid | 117,558 | 1.19 GB | 419 | 🤓 10 | ★ 7756 | 👁 7756 |
storybookjs/storybook | 115,789 | 464 MB | 584 | 🤓 32 | ★ 66334 | 👁 66334 |
antvis/G2 | 98,741 | 417 MB | 13 | 🤓 3 | ★ 10978 | 👁 10978 |
antvis/G6 | 92,891 | 766 MB | 2 | 🤓 1 | ★ 8404 | 👁 8404 |
laurent22/joplin | 89,346 | 244 MB | 189 | 🤓 24 | ★ 26387 | 👁 26387 |
apache/echarts | 83,356 | 218 MB | 34 | 🤓 8 | ★ 48731 | 👁 48731 |
botpress/botpress | 80,850 | 361 MB | 68 | 🤓 20 | ★ 9445 | 👁 9445 |
microsoft/rushstack | 73,945 | 86.3 MB | 140 | 🤓 13 | ★ 3318 | 👁 3318 |
facebook/jest | 72,600 | 269 MB | 18 | 🤓 14 | ★ 37096 | 👁 37096 |
tensorflow/tfjs-core | 72,228 | 389 MB | 0 | 🤓 0 | ★ 8516 | 👁 8516 |
lensapp/lens | 62,156 | 606 MB | 176 | 🤓 13 | ★ 16241 | 👁 16241 |
nestjs/nest | 60,252 | 236 MB | 227 | 🤓 13 | ★ 42222 | 👁 42222 |
directus/directus | 52,507 | 340 MB | 336 | 🤓 28 | ★ 12807 | 👁 12807 |
plouc/nivo | 51,888 | 349 MB | 3 | 🤓 3 | ★ 9440 | 👁 9440 |
babel/babel | 51,349 | 78.2 MB | 61 | 🤓 12 | ★ 39959 | 👁 39959 |
facebook/docusaurus | 44,742 | 208 MB | 101 | 🤓 48 | ★ 28229 | 👁 28229 |
tinacms/tinacms | 44,417 | 1.02 GB | 277 | 🤓 8 | ★ 6725 | 👁 6725 |
formatjs/formatjs | 39,738 | 46.8 MB | 13 | 🤓 6 | ★ 12815 | 👁 12815 |
ant-design/ant-design | 37,109 | 729 MB | 60 | 🤓 27 | ★ 75711 | 👁 75711 |
remotion-dev/remotion | 35,889 | 366 MB | 98 | 🤓 4 | ★ 8615 | 👁 8615 |
open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js | 35,663 | 18 MB | 37 | 🤓 18 | ★ 1035 | 👁 1035 |
open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js-contrib | 31,369 | 23.8 MB | 18 | 🤓 12 | ★ 172 | 👁 172 |
airbytehq/airbyte | 27,613 | 83.1 MB | 345 | 🤓 75 | ★ 4536 | 👁 4536 |
akveo/react-native-ui-kitten | 26,147 | 478 MB | 0 | 🤓 0 | ★ 8753 | 👁 8753 |
gravitational/webapps | 25,120 | 17.2 MB | 18 | 🤓 3 | ★ 19 | 👁 19 |
react-page/react-page | 20,293 | 232 MB | 7 | 🤓 1 | ★ 8685 | 👁 8685 |
MichalLytek/type-graphql | 19,722 | 264 MB | 2 | 🤓 1 | ★ 6806 | 👁 6806 |
react-dnd/react-dnd | 16,101 | 653 MB | 0 | 🤓 0 | ★ 16722 | 👁 16722 |
the1812/Bilibili-Evolved | 16,082 | 289 MB | 13 | 🤓 2 | ★ 9530 | 👁 9530 |
supabase/supabase | 10,797 | 264 MB | 64 | 🤓 27 | ★ 21857 | 👁 21857 |
justadudewhohacks/face-api.js | 10,304 | 221 MB | 0 | 🤓 0 | ★ 13138 | 👁 13138 |
Jigsaw-Code/outline-client | 3,348 | 396 MB | 24 | 🤓 1 | ★ 6506 | 👁 6506 |
I am leveraging Cloc for the LOC, however, for the total, I am only counting the languages defined in config.json, so as to eliminate counting things like lines of JSON (of which, for example, the Kibana repo has a couple million!).
- Unfortunately GitHub API does not support sorting by size, and since the LOC counting logic requires locally cloning each of these giant repositories, I may be missing some. If I am, file an issue and I can add it to the list manually. Or, throw up a PR to have it added!
If you notice any errors with the above numbers, please file an issue and let me know! In particular the Cloc tool supports eliminating certain folders and files for LOC counts. With node, node_modules is excluded, however, for other languages I may be missing certain key configurations.